27 February 2010

execute the clowns

This is what I would spend my money on. It was love at first sight. Three different paintings by Mike Cockrill. I wish I was the one to brain storm this theme, and to have the ability to paint (I have a sad disability).

The paintings were the first items in the busy room to catch my eye. Now this means quite a lot. The paintings caught my eye before the band made up of all star musicians (David Bowies' saxophonist) and the constant drip of icy sugar into absinthe.

Paintings portraying sweet, anime school girls executing clowns has won my heart and mind. Perhaps these paintings spoke to me because of my dislike towards clowns. And to see innocent-looking children murdering disgusting clowns filled my heart with joy and elation.

Pictured is "Decapitated Clown" by Mike Cockrill (2004). The art work was displayed at the venue Collective Hardware where the opening night of Tools for Thought: Rebuild Haiti was held.

Another painting (which I seriously would have bought on the spot if I was not skint) caught my attention because of the small details that made the painting fantastic. The canvas was mainly filled with a young boys face, his eyes covered by mirrored aviator sunglasses. In the reflection of the glasses are two bodies- one belonging to a small girl and the other belonging to a clown being lynched by the girl. In the far distance behind the young boy is a shadowy figure digging a grave for the freshly hung clown. Sensational.

*Originally written and published by With Flaws Zine

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