19 August 2010

pick up a fucking book

I began the process of defrosting and acquainting myself with awful nasal and eye problems (what East Coasters call allergies) with A Heartbreaking Work Of Staggering Genius by Dave Eggers (published 2000).

"we were wearing what we always wear, shorts and t-shirts, having decided, after thinking about what to wear and then remembering not to think about what to wear, to wear what we would have worn had we not been thinking about what to wear." p 244

"the variety of
malformities, the unexpected flaws, the premature sagging, all the tattoos, flowers and snakes, how hairy all the crotches are, bursting from panties and briefs, that one woman who, even with her breasts obvious, convincing, somehow seems too like a man-
these people.
these people are freaks." p 252

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