27 September 2010

a continuing super sad true love story

if you need more of a reason to pick up this fucking book

SALLYSTAR: I didn't say anything, Eunice. You don't have to defend him. Just make sure he takes off his shoes if he ever comes into the house.
EUNI-TARD: Ha ha. I know. White people are sick that way. They could have just stepped in poo or a homeless person.
pg 172

"Four young people committed suicide in our building complexes, and two of them wrote suicide notes about how they couldn't see the future with out their apparati. Once wrote quite eloquently, about how he "reached out to life," but found there only "walls and thoughts and faces," which weren't enough. He had to be ranked, to know his place in this world.And that may sounds ridiculous, but I can understand him. We are all bored out of our fucking minds. My hands are itching for connection..."
pg 270

22 September 2010

open your ears

if this doesn't remind you how wonderful life is, then I don't know what would

20 September 2010

pick up a fucking book

super sad true love story

by. gary shteyngart.

"All right, Mediastuds and Mediawhores," Noah said. " we're streaming live here as Lenny Abramov tries to FAC for the first time. This is a future-reference event, folks, so widen your bandwidth. This is like the Wright brothers learning to fly, except neither of them was mildly retarded like our boy Lenny here. JBF, Nee-gro. Tell me if I'm going too far. Or wait. There's no such thing as too far in Rubenstein's America. Too far is when you're shot in the back if the head somewhere Upstate and the National Guard burns your body to a crisp and flushes down a cold winter's port-a-potty at some Secure Screening Facility in Troy." pg 89

15 September 2010


yes, the promotions for the Irish theater was not the most enticing hook. But thanks to my mum, she saw beyond. The play was an emotionally stirring in-the-flesh theatrical experience. Describing the play as well written is an injustice.

Exit/Entrance is written by Aidan Matthews and Directed by M. Burke Walker.

running till October 3rd

Taking place at 59E59. (a very small...well 3 different stages- each seating 50-ish people.... intimate playhouse. with a bar. whiskey.)

check it