02 July 2012

The Direwolf; Real

And as much as I should have known this little fact, it is time to share and admit.  The Direwolf is real.  We can all thank the National Geographic Series called: Prehistoric Predators (2007).  Available via Netflix Instant Watch.  Easy to understand with mind blowing animations create a lovely history series on the animals that used to rule the Planet Earth.

28 June 2012

Battleship (2012)

Please.  Like you weren't excited about Battleship?  Take a childhood favorite game + aliens.  It can only mean an epically awesome movie goer experience.

Also- they actually call out a coordinate, 'E5' and 'HIT!'.
Triple Bonus?  Vampire Eric is in it. mmmmmmmmm


26 June 2012

A Buffy Confession

I did it.  I confessed.
And you should too.



06 June 2012


Mountain Trolls
Forest Trolls
Trolls Under a Bridge
...and Goats Blood of course!

What more can I say? Trollhunter, original title Trolljegeren  (2010), written and directed by Andre Overdal was incredibly pleasing in so many ways.  Stumbling upon this gem one rainy Sunday afternoon will be remember for the rest of my life.  
First off, what an incredible story!  A faux-documentary (which deceived me at first, so sad) about a few students following a suspicious man who is always present at the scene of murdered bears.  To the students surprise, it turns out the dead bears are a simple cover up thanks to a secret Government Department that deals with Trolls.
Secondly.  The CGI/Animation of the Trolls were astounding.  They were beautifully gruesome. 
Most Importantly?  Just a fucking awesome film. From the script, to the scenery was beautiful and the Trolls blew my mind.

Thank you Norse Mythology

20 February 2012

What to Watch on the Day of Valentinus

I am not one to watch the romantic film or feel sad for myself on Valentines Day.  In actuality, I don't enjoy celebrating this holiday in anyway shape or form.  But this year, I was sick in bed.  Which means extra time for films!  After scouring my mother's Netflix account, I found the perfect film.  Yes it's about finding a husband, and yes it stars Marilyn Monroe!
How to Marry a Millionaire was the perfect way to spend a sickly Valentines Day.  The film was made in 1953 and with quite a big budget.  I found the trailer quite interesting; CinemaScope uses location (Manhattan, Jet Planes, Ski Slopes) as a means of advertising, rather than the contents or storyline.
The clothes are fabulous and the moral of the story is sweet. 

09 February 2012

The Real Sherlock Holmes

The BBC's Sherlock Holmes Mini Series.  A dark, twisted character represented properly.

11 January 2012

The Tango of Three

A continuation.  The life of Tango, the three legged cat. BLC (before lion cut)

10 January 2012

It Takes Three to Tango

A look into the life of Tango, the three legged cat. B.L.C (before lion cut)